automated clinical management & Prior Authorization

Remove Delays in Cancer Treatment.
Save Lives. Lower Cost.

Time to Treat and the “Golden Hour”: Why They Matter and How Clinical Pathways Can Help”  was selected as one of top 5 publications in the Journal of Clinical Pathways in 2024 Read more

Time to Treat and the “Golden Hour”: Why They Matter and How Clinical Pathways Can Help”  was selected as one of top 5 publications in the Journal of Clinical Pathways in 2024. The announcement was made at the Clinical Pathways Congress + Cancer Business Exchange in Boston, MA, Sept 6, 2024. The article discusses XpediteMD’s novel use of cancer clinical pathways to eliminate cancer treatment delays while facilitating high quality, evidenced based cancer care. Download PDF or read the article here

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“Reducing Delays of Breast Cancer Care Using an Innovative Digital Health Platform”  has been accepted for publication published in the American Journal of Accountable Care. The article discusses how XpediteMD dramatically reduced breast cancer treatment delays in a major health system. Download PDF or read the full article in The American Journal of Accountable Care

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“Time to Treat and the “Golden Hour”: Why They Matter and How Clinical Pathways Can Help” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Clinical Pathways. The article discusses how XpediteMD’s proprietary clinical pathways eliminate life-threatening cancer treatment delays. The article is due for publication June 2024.

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what we do

Making A Difference Where It Matters Most

As for heart attacks and strokes, delays in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer elevate the risk of death and increase the cost of healthcare. For every 1-month delay of cancer care, overall survival decreases by up to 20% in relative term, which completely negates some of the benefits of anti-cancer treatments like chemotherapy.

Cancer care is inefficient because it's tremendously complex, involving multiple doctors, multiple specialties, and ofter multiple facilities. Furthermore, many of the tests and procedures needed to make the right treatment decision require pre-approval from a health insurer, which can add days or weeks of delay.

As a result of these inefficiencies, 1 out of every 4 cancer patients suffers life-threatening but preventable cancer treatment delays, with even worse statistics for marginalized groups. Cancer treatment delays also increase the cost of healthcare by 37-110% as the need increases for more complex care and side effect management.

The problem is only getting worse. National trends show a steady rise in the number of days from diagnosis to treatment of cancer, which has recently prompted several national professional societies, advocacy groups, and accreditation organizations to recognize “time to cancer treatment” as a quality measure to which the healthcare system has to be accountable. In addition, emerging federal and state legislation aims to penalize health insurers that delay care. Until the arrival of XpediteMD, the challenge of consistently delivering timely care to cancer patients was amplified by the lack of proven solutions that expedite care, ensure quality, and manage costs.
  • Faster Care
  • Better Outcomes
  • Reduced Disparity
  • Greater Value
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Right Treatment at the Right Time

By using the following innovations, XpediteMD ensures for each patient...the right treatment at the right time--without delay!

Golden Hour” Proprietary Oncology Clinical Pathways with decision support ensure that patients are offered national guideline-supported care based on their unique tumor characteristics (i.e., precision medicine) using built-in time management solutions to avoid common sources of treatment delay.

“One-Click PA” Automated Point-Of-Care Prior Authorization solutions predict upcoming orders and facilitates simultaneous pre-approval of multiple prior authorizations in a single click at the time of order entry. By capturing clinical criteria to pre-qualify multiple prior authorizations, XpediteMD dramatically reduces payer and provider administrative burden and eliminates delays resulting from serial prior authorization requests for predictable orders.

“Stratify-AI” AI-Driven Risk Stratification System adjusts clinical pathways depending on patient-specific factors (e.g., social determinants of health) to anticipate and address patient resource needs that may contribute to delay of cancer care.

“XpediteMD Precision Care Suite" that keeps patients, providers, and payers connected through the continuum of care, including two-way communications; tracking of patients, orders and results; appointment management; and “Quality Check” to grade the quality of care.

Available in Two Options Based on Client Needs:
Software As A Service (SAAS) - a standalone or integrated HIPAA-compliant solution used by your medical staff.

Technology as a Service (TaaS) - a turnkey software + service suite that is fully organized to work with your patient population

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Reduction in Time to Treatment
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Guideline-Compliant Care
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Lower Admin Cost
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Cancer Types

Broad Platform Coverage

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Breast Cancer

1.5 million women undergo breast biopsies each year in the U.S. for suspected breast cancer and over 210,000 are ultimately diagnosed.  Every 4-week delay in the work-up and treatment of breast cancer increases the relative risk of death by 8-28% and increases the cost of cancer care.  XpediteMD eliminates treatment delays that compromise breast cancer survival and drive up healthcare cost.
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Colorectal Cancer

15 million men and women undergo colonoscopy each year in the U.S. to rule out colorectal cancer and over 210,000 are ultimately diagnosed.  Every 4-week delay in the work-up and treatment of colorectal cancer increases the relative risk of death by 6-13% and increases the cost of cancer care.  XpediteMD eliminates treatment delays that compromise colorectal cancer survival and drive up healthcare cost.
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Bladder Cancer

Near a half million men and women in the U.S. undergo cystoscopy each year for suspected bladder cancer and over 80,000 of them are ultimately diagnosed with bladder cancer. Every 4-week delay in the work-up and treatment of bladder cancer increases the relative risk of death by 6-24%. XpediteMD eliminates treatment delays that compromise bladder cancer survival and drive up healthcare cost.
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Lung Cancer

1 million men and women in the U.S. undergo biopsies each year to rule out lung cancer and nearly 230,000 of them are ultimately diagnosed with lung cancer.  For early stage lung cancer, every 1-week treatment delay increases the relative risk of lung cancer death by 4% and increases the cost of cancer care. XpediteMD eliminates treatment delays that compromise lung cancer survival and drive up healthcare cost.
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Head and Neck Cancer

Each year, nearly 70,000 men and women in the U.S. are diagnosed with head and neck cancer.  Every 4-week delay in the work-up and treatment of head and neck cancer increases the relative risk of death by 6-9% and increases the cost of cancer care. XpediteMD eliminates treatment delays that compromise head and neck cancer survival and drive up healthcare cost.
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Prostate Cancer

1 million men in the U.S. undergo prostate cancer biopsies to rule out prostate cancer and nearly 180,000 are ultimately diagnosed. Although delays in prostate cancer treatment have not been directly correlated with survival, failure to adhere to national treatment guidelines contributes to prostate cancer health disparities.  XpediteMD eliminates health disparity that compromises prostate cancer survival and drives up healthcare cost.
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